Large Exhibition Stands | Design 16


Impressive functional stand with large high level graphic areas for maximum impact.

Accessible on all sides this stand offers you plenty of storage for your literature and exhibition supplies.
TV mounts allow the ability to run promotional videos and presentations increasing customer attraction and time spent on your stand.


The counter gives you the perfect focal point to meet and greet your customers and encourage them to make their way into the spacious centre of the stand.

Frame Construction Graphic Materials
Vector Fabric
Cubes Fabric
Counter Foam Board

* Where shown, counters, screens, tables and chairs are not included.


  • Assembly Time:
    Assembly Time 2 days
  • People required:
    Based on 4 people for assembly
  • Hardware Weight:
    Hardware Weight  374kg approx
  • Hardware cases:
    Hardware Cases  5 x 19kg, 1 x 6.8kg, Lighting Bags 10 x 1.28kg
  • Footprint:
    5000 x 5000  mm
  • Constructed from Vector with textile fabric panels.