Large Exhibition Stands | Design 10


Clever design which is open on three sides with a straight back wall. Large counters positioned close to back of the stand with plenty of counter space for monitors.

Tall Linear vector graphic panels are attached behind each counter for extra branding or graphics options. Floor is left clear and open welcoming customers onto the stand.


Frame Construction Graphic Materials
Vector Fabric
Vector (Counters) Fabric


* Where shown, screens, tables and chairs are not included.


  • Assembly Time:
    Assembly Time 1 day
  • People required:
    Based on 2 people for assembly
  • Hardware Weight:
    Hardware Weight  102kg approx
  • Hardware cases:
    Hardware Cases  3 x 19kg, Lighting Bags 3 x 1.28kg
  • Footprint:
    3000 x 4000  mm
  • Constructed from Linear vector with textile fabric graphics.