Large Exhibition Stands | Design 8


Unusual and interesting stand design, open on two sides with centre meeting pod combining a storage cupboard and business seating area with room for four chairs and a table.

Complete with over panel lighting, literature holders and tv monitor.


Frame Construction Graphic Materials
Vector Fabric
Linear Pop-up PVC

(The renders above show the Linear version)

 * Where shown, screens, tables and chairs are not included.


  • Assembly Time:
    Assembly Time 1 day
  • People required:
    Based on 2 people for assembly
  • Hardware Weight:
    Hardware Weight  126kg approx
  • Hardware cases:
    Hardware Cases  3 x 19kg, Bag 1 x 2kg, Bag 1 x 0,33kg, Graphic Drums 2 x 2.82kg, Lighting Bags 2 x 1.28kg
  • Footprint:
    3000 x 4000  mm
  • Constructed from Linear vector with PVC graphics.